Angels Human Trust -CoronaVIRUS - 2020 (additional info)

                                         A traveler from China

                      just brought the new Coronavirus to Seattle

                                                   ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has officially confirmed the first known case of Wuhan Coronavirus within our nation’s borders.

Reports indicate that a traveler who had just returned to Seattle, Washington, after visiting Wuhan, China, where authorities claim the current Coronavirus outbreak originated, had to be hospitalized for what appeared to be a bout of pneumonia. This individual was later diagnosed with Coronavirus – and the CDC is warning that this is only the beginning.

As Coronavirus continues to spread across China, as well as into Japan, South Korea, Thailand and Taiwan, the fear

here is that it will also ravage the West, which the CDC seems to think is inevitable.

As of this writing, at least 17 people have died from Coronavirus and more than 500 others have been confirmed as

being infected. Travel advisories are being issued in several other countries, but the U.S. has yet to take action.

Airline stock has plummeted in response to the news, with Delta dropping 3.50 %, United Airlines dropping 3.20 %,

Southwest Airlines dropping 1.5 %, and American Airlines dropping 2.50 %.

A number of resort stocks, including Wynn Resorts, Las Vegas Sands Corp., &  MGM Resorts International also dropped,

as investors are sensing that travel both here and abroad is likely to decline as Coronavirus continues to spread.

           Read further below,.....  It only gets WORSE !

                      College professor says Coronavirus could become like the Spanish flu pandemic
                                                                       that killed 50 million people
                                                                                                                      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
This whole Coronavirus situation is eerily reminiscent of what took place back in 2002-03 with the infamous SARS
scare (remedied by algae protein), which many believed would create a global pandemic.
      However, since this never actually materialized, .... it’s now Coronavirus that’s on everybody’s minds.

Professor Neil Ferguson from Imperial College London, recently warned that Coronavirus could become like the
Spanish flu pandemic that killed 50 million people – this being the deadliest pandemic in history.

“This [2019-nCoV’s death rate] could be two percent, similar to Spanish flu,” Ferguson told the media, explaining that
this two percent figure translates as one out of every 50 people who contract Coronavirus dying from the disease.

Novel viruses spread much faster because we have no immunity,” he further states.

What the Coronavirus does is cause victims to develop pneumonia, a respiratory infection that causes the alveoli, or
air sacs, within the lungs to become inflamed and filled with fluid or pus.

Consequently, pneumonia sufferers have difficulty drawing air inside their lungs, which in turn results in reduced oxygen
supplies in their bloodstreams. And if left to run their course, such symptoms will eventually kill pneumonia patients.

“Without treatment, the end is inevitable,” says the charity group Médecins Sans Frontières about the seriousness of a
pneumonia infection. “Deaths occur because of asphyxiation.”

Most causes of pneumonia are bacterial, according to Professor Peter Horby from the University of Oxford, which means
there are treatments readily available to combat it.  But because Coronavirus is viral, there’s no known remedy for it.

“With viral pneumonia, care is ‘supportive,'” Horby is quoted as saying – you can read between the lines on this one.

The current Coronavirus outbreak is believed to have started at the Huanan Seafood Market in Wuhan, which up until a
few days ago was reportedly selling all sorts of “exotic” wildlife as food, including wolf puppies, civets, live foxes, crocodiles,
snakes, rats, porcupines, peacocks, .... and at least 100 other unusual animals

“Freshly slaughtered, frozen and delivered to your door,” reads one of the price lists posted by a vendor who sold such
items at this market. “Wild Game Animal Husbandry for the Masses,” it goes on to read.

To keep up with the latest Coronavirus news, be sure to check out 
                                                                                                                                (ABSOLUTELY) !!
                                                                                                                 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

           Dear GOD...  HELP US !

                 Scratch that: 

Now they’re saying Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) has an R0 as high as 7.05

                   ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The reproduction rate (R0) of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) – meaning the number of other people that one infected person could potentially spread it to – has been steadily rising over the past several months. Early on, it was

in the 1.0-2.0 range. Then, it changed to as high as 6.6. Now, the latest science says we’ve breached 7.05.

The highest level is 20.0  - (never achieved outside a completely controlled lab environment !) - The highest R0 can be attributed to Pertussis (Whooping Cough) with a Ro of 15-18.

What this means is that one infected person could spread the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) to seven other people,

who could then each spread it to seven other people themselves. In other words, one infected person infects seven

other people, who then collectively infect 49 other people, who then infect 343 other people, who then infect 2,401 people,

.... and on and on it goes.

The R0 figure is important because it’s a measure of how exponentially a virus can begin to spread. A lower R0 basically

means that a virus isn’t going to spread out of control, while a higher R0 suggests that everyone needs to get prepared for

a major global pandemic – and the latter seems to be where the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) is headed.

“Since the first cluster of cases was identified in Wuhani City, China, in December, 2019, 2019-nCoV has rapidly spread across

China as well as caused multiple introductions in 25 countries as of February, 2020,” a new paper published in the journal

medRxiv explains.....

               “Despite the scarcity of publicly available data, scientists around the world have made strides in estimating

                   the magnitude of the epidemic, the basic reproduction number, and transmission patterns,” it adds.

                      “Recently more evidence suggests that a substantial fraction of the infected individuals with the

                             novel coronavirus show little if any symptoms, which suggest the need to reassess the

                                                                      transmission potential of emerging disease.”

By reconstructing the underlying transmission dynamics of the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19), the authors came up with a

more accurate R0 of 7.05. However, they also contend that the “enhanced public health intervention” imposed by communist

China after January 23 helped to bring that R0 down to around 3.24, along with a nearly 10 percent infection rate in Wuhan.

Listen to this video as [Mike Adams], the Health Ranger, explains how communist China has been manipulating the numbers to make

it seem like there are far fewer Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) infections than there actually are:

 Any R0 above zero means the infection rate is likely to continue increasing

                                                ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

So, what does this all mean in terms of Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) risk in other countries like the United States? It’s difficult to say as health authorities are still grappling with new cases that continue to emerge on airplanes, cruise ships, and even in pockets of the world where there was no known recent travel to Wuhan.

Even a reduced R0 of 3.24, according to this study, is still higher than what the World Health Organization (WHO) initially estimated by putting it at 1.4-2.5. On average, we now know, the R0 is right around 3.28 for the Wuhan coronavirus, making it still a very deadly threat even if it doesn’t persist at 7.05.

“For R0 greater than one the number infected is likely to increase, and for R0 less than one transmission is likely to die out,” reports SciNews, which also covered another similar study that found the R0 for the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) to be higher than WHO estimates.

“When looking at the development of the CoVid-19 epidemic, reality seems to correspond well to or even exceed the highest epidemic growth in our calculations,” says Professor Rocklöv, one of the authors of this other study.

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