Angels Human Trust - CoronaVIRUS - 2020

It appears from various TRUTHFUL sources....
that the coronaVIRUS-2020 is a DEEP STATE - PLOY ON VARIOUS LEVELS

The coronaVIRUS is not new.. it has been developed by various medical AND military labs for
the purposes of developing background research - vaccines - and weaponization of viruses for years.

Although the coronaVIRUS, like other flu-type viruses, does KILL people and affects people with pneumonia
and high fever, it nevertheless is NOT acting like a normal flu-type virus.  It is being "transmitted" too fast,
developing too quickly, and displaying DIFFERENT SYMPTOMS AND METHODOLOGY OF INFECTION from
previously experienced "natural occurring" virus attacks on populations.
                                             SOMETHING IS WRONG !       THINGS ARE NOT ADDING UP !!

Without depicting in great detail as to the human harm 5G wi-fi has created   [REAL statistics being heavily guarded/hidden],
it appears to be involved with the coronaVIRUS and a host of other related illnesses.  IT HAS BEEN WEAPONIZED !

There is a vast amount of false information being perpetuated by the ""controlled" and thoroughly corrupt
paid-for MAINSTREAM MEDIA, who have been "ordered" to whip the populous into a frightened frenzy.
Unfortunately, most of it is UNTRUE, and designed to cause disruption to the US and de-stabilization of world
economies - geo-political affairs.

Yes, there are many virus strains... yes, there is the spread of these debilitating sicknesses, and in some instances death...
They occur every year......   But, all  of the facts are not in just yet regarding the recent CoronaVIRUS.
There are many variables as to range of virility, contagion factors, severity of sickness, re-infection, and recuperation times
of standard periodic flu-like outbreaks..... However, reliable sources state that these sporadic, and seemingly impossible
"virus jumps" to different and distant locales, are apparently without coincidental area contact.

In short,... it is believed,.. and soon to be PROVEN... this outbreak, and a host of other mixed/disguised disorders,
are being induced by electromagnetic pulsations from 5G Towers !!  - WEAPONIZED !!
And, as always, sickness is being exacerbated by the usual groups who are most susceptible to sickness such as;
the elderly, those with lowered immune systems, and poor health habits.

Please view the huge amount of info regarding radiation affectations at RADIATION

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Please listen to this brief informative discussion clip presented by (X22 Report / FEB 27, 2020)
outlining geopolitical maneuverings that are happening now...  and SOON TO BE !

Flu statistics. The reason you hear so much about the flu each year is because it's incredibly common:
Each year, 5% to 20% of the U.S. population will get the flu on average. A new study found that adults get the flu
twice per decade on average, but children are infected once every other year on average.

How many people in the U.S. die of the flu each year?
How many people die from the flu each year and how is it prevented? The CDC estimates that as many as 56,000 people
die from the flu or flu-like illness each year.

What percentage of flu patients die?
Estimates of the number of flu patients who also develop a bacterial infection range from as low as 2 percent to as high as
65 percent, according to one 2016 report. It is estimated that between 70 and 85 percent of seasonal flu-related deaths
have occurred in people 65 years and older.

How many people in the U.S. died of the flu in 2018?
In total, the CDC estimates that up to 42.9 million people got sick during the 2018-2019 flu season, 647,000 people were
hospitalized and 61,200 died. That's fairly on par with a typical season, and well below the CDC's 2017-2018 estimates of
48.8 million illnesses, 959,000 hospitalizations and 79,400 deaths.

And now,... an absolutely startlingly TRUTHFUL interview with Dr. RASHID A BUTTAR , a prominent osteopathic physician
(practicing medicine for 30 years)..... author "The 9 Steps To Keep The Doctor Away", ... and leader in the field of toxin affectations
upon human homeostasis.
He is also most familiar with microbiology, with extensive studies in  virology  (bacterial, fungal, viral, protozoan, parasistic,
and prion disease infections).
As far as the Coronavirus (COVID-19) is concerned,..... he is an expert in discussing its pathology and virility !!

                                                                                                 [CLICK PHOTO BELOW]

CoronaVIRUS vs. Flu (comparison) Longest Flu Season (2018-2019)
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