As is the case in ANY nation’s success, it’s their ECONOMY... their COMMERCE of trading and accepting goods and services interconnected by a good infrastructure, which becomes and perpetuates their mainstay.
A nation’s economy is predicated upon their natural resources, which in turn stabilizes their FAIR currency (based upon their natural resource reserves and pegged absolutely to precious metals).
A FAIR currency is the KEY to a successful economy. The rest of the integral dynamics of commerce will follow, but ONLY if there are competent and HONEST people administrating their government. This of course, would be in conjunction with a strict adherence to a formidable “People’s Constitution.”
The ANGELS HUMAN TRUST (AHT) has been setup for the express purpose of establishing just that. Through unique original broad heavy investment, administered by very capable people
utilizing Blockchain data systems/cryptocurrency, and a protective advanced military...
The ANGELS HUMAN TRUST will ensure prosperity, fairness, and best of all… PEACE FOR ALL ITS CITIZENS.
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